May 27, 2021 at 10:02AM# Over the past year I’ve grounded my practice of anti-racism into my coaching work. During this time I’ve observed how businesses performatively responded to the events of 2020. Has it moved us forward to a more interconnected culture? Yes and… As a coach, I’ve been building my business practices with embodying anti-racism in mind as I go. And so, as we dismantle, we also need to reconstruct systems of justice. So I wrote an Anti-Racism in Coaching Statement for my business that includes accountability to myself and my future employees. I was going to just have it as link in the footer, but my business mentor, @kelly.diels saw it and said I need to share it. You can find it in my bio links in the profile. Let me know your thoughts. Do you have a statement and practice anti-racism in the workplace? I’d love to see other examples of #culturemaking. ✨????????????????????????????????????✨ I’m a ✨Time Witch ✨ I founded the JEDI Flow Collective to help Edgewalkers decolonize and reclaim your time, skip the crash so you can liberate creative Flow in leadership. Have you subscribed to receive ???? Dragon Letters ???? yet? The next letter is emerges under the Capricorn moon. #decolonizetime #antiracismcoaching #initiatedleadership #flowstate #autotelic #timewitch

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