2019-04-11 18:48:21

2019-04-11 18:48:21

Photo Caption: There was a time when I stopped managing my life. The depression was in control. I called it my “dark passenger.” That was probably too polite.

I neglected so much. Some of it has returned to give me a second chance — a do-over. Fortunately I’m ready to tap into the transformations I’ve made to resolve them.

And I know that what I’ve learned from all of it will help someone else in the service of soul alchemy for the way forward.

When I am facing a difficult moment now I lead myself with a simple process, I breathe into my heart, into the Silence of Source and ask “Who do I need to become?” And then I see into my future me.

It would be great if I could just say I’m different now and everything would just be fine. But my consequences were made for me, postponed until I became the person that could step up.

Your future You needs you. So take a deep breath into your heart and ask yourself: Who you need to become now, so when the time comes you’re ready to step up?
#feedyoursoul #liveonpurpose #spiritualawakening #souljourney #findyourtribe #morningritual #foodasmedicine #eattherainbow #changemakers #youarelight #rainbowlight #walkinbeauty #createyourownreality #awakening #ascending #findyourhive #kylecease #kundalini #koyopa #rainbowlightofrenewal #alchemist #soulalchemy #ancestraldiet #michaelbeckwith #possibilityspace #liveyourmagic #wildfit #consequences

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