Join Ryath Beauchene and Felicia Herron at Suchernova Farm, on the 27th of April for a hands-on day of mushroom cultivation skills and techniques. We will be covering the science, practicality, and potential applications of these skills as well as installing mushroom patches on site as well as inoculating maple logs with Shiitake mushrooms. The course is open to the public, though space is limited, and lunch is available via RSVP. Learn how to install myco filters to filter livestock run off, septic field runoff etc, Learn how to make your own mushroom logs and Also learn how to companion plant with mushrooms to increase yields.
Please contact Ryath at for more information or with any questions. We are excited to share our passion and knowledge regarding these amazing organisms!
Price: $ 40-60 sliding scale
Date: April 27th, 2014
Time: 10 am – 2 pm