December 05, 2020 at 09:57AMI ‘ve been dead named three times this week. The last time was from an asshole from the past. Told him to fuck of and blocked him. And yet this comes nothing close to the harm others, especially Trans and people fleeing domestic violence may face in being dead named. Say their chosen name or don’t say anything. ✨????????????????????????????????????✨ My name is Ixchel (sounds like ee-shell) and I am a business and leadership strategist holding space for JEDIs to discover their daily practice for finding gratitude in living through a zombie apocalypse so they can epic ish in Flow. These JEDIs are leading at the intersections of Justice-centering, Emerging, Decolonizing, and Interconnecting. If you’re a JEDI in need of guidance on decolonizing time, ditching extractive time, stepping into regenerative leadership, sign up for the 10 day course “Dreaming in the Wild” link in bio. #TransLivesMatter #DeadName #DecolonizeYourMind #DecolonizeTime