
Fiercely determined… in 1992 I was in the thick of a battle for my children, for my ancestral line, to stop the violence, chemical dependency, and abuse.

The local Longs Drugs invited a photographer to do portraits at a very reasonable cost. For a single mom of 2 toddlers at 19, I had never felt freer to be me. That gorgeous melanated woman captured my fierce love on film that day as a lasting reminder of who I am and where I come from.

This photo became part of my MAP (Motivation, Ability, Prompt) out of the abyss (h/t @bjfogg for this mnemonic). She (I) was the best prompt reminder for someone always forgetting how powerful I am.

Thirty-three years of sobriety from pills, MAP still works to help me remember.

In training new rituals (the word habits is sooo boring) we need these ingredients to create lasting change:

Motivation is the dopamine that rewards us for taking action.

Ability is knowing that we can do the thing. If the challenge/skill ratio is out of balance — the task is too hard — we will falter.

Prompt remind us we are doing something to change, lest we fall back into old patterns. The doable to-do list in the middle of the monitor in the morning. The desk treadmill in our way as we set to work in the morning. A tangible reminder of our desire to change an old habit into a new ritual as we invite in our desired future self.

We can be the change.

What new ritual are you creating today? What is your MAP?

I’m a ✨Decolonial Time Witch ✨ I train Edgewalkers to decolonize and reclaim your time, so you can skip the collapse and liberate your Flow. Let’s dismantle the systems of brutal productivity together.
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