2019-01-12 06:44:33

2019-01-12 06:44:33

Caption: When was the last time you built a #blanketfort?
It’s burn season in the jungle highlands of Nicaragua. As an asthmatic —sensitive to smoke — it’s rough. I’ve been hiding indoors between shifting air patterns. Not easy for a gardener beekeeping Sag.
Despite the smoke, I meditate in my outdoor tree house (second story glam patio overlooking the valley through the trees). So much gratitude to be alive in this time to see where I can bring harmony to the land, #pachamama.
The past few days I’ve embraced my inner child that loves a good blanket fort by wrapping my pashmina in creative ways as a filtered respirator.
Hubby @bearfuht will be bringing me back a @vogmask in a couple of weeks. I wish they made them for cats and dogs. My Ysabella had a hard night of wheezy breathing last night. We’ve got the eucalyptus oil going in the diffuser today. Taking my #mullien tincture daily too. Not sure if it’s ok for cats and dogs.
Despite the smoke I am loving the #blanketforts as a morning ritual of continuing to create space for myself, my #morningsadhana and #morningmeditation practice.
Connecting with my #innerchild this way is delightful and helps me renew the wonder and #beginnersmind that can get clouded by those persistent old emotional loops that I recognize and let go of.
What the ways you enjoy creating space for yourself? When was the last time you built a blanket fort?
Photo by @happysolez .
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