2018-12-25 05:44:16

2018-12-25 05:44:16

Caption: Life hands us lessons. We either integrate them or we will receive them in many forms until we do. In coding I call it getting stuck in a loop.
They can be long sequences of code that end in a not-so-desired results. In the long intervals you almost forgot the code was broken. Or short loops where you can see you’re stuck but you can’t find the exit. The short ones are better in that they offer fast feedback loops to adjust and make change. #Groundhogday
People that are unaware they are stuck in a short loop will often say things like, “Why does THIS keep happening to me.” – imprisoned in their disjointedness until they adjust their code, their response to a given challenge.
My dog does this when he gets triggered by noises. Off to bark, bark, bark. Then he realizes he’s stuck and the tone changes. But he can’t stop. As soon as I call him he comes. Grateful to stop.
I’m at that place with a certain political problem that starts a loop. I haven’t been able to run that code enough to see where break is. But I know it’s there.
Thank goodness for Natividad de Noche invites. I got to run that code last night an watch it break. Hear myself bark, bark, bark. Come home. Feel like shit. Mention my bark loop to my husband and get feedback that yes, I’m clearly not over it or my response to it “And I love that!”. #sigh
So, I’m back to look at my broken code. Forgive. Let go. My meditation practice (sadhana) includes waking about 4am to open my Mesa ground (my offrenda de mundo and healing artes ala Don Oscar Miro-Quesada ) then an hour of Kundalini Yoga (Adi Shakti is the one I’ve been practicing since the end of October). (ala @sukhdevjackson ???????? #satnam)
After walking the dogs, I follow that with contemplation, reading the Mayan calendar day, then an hour of silent meditation listening to what the Universe wants from me and what my heart wants. (ala @evolvingoutloud #ihopeiscrewthisup)
Sending out much Love to you on this Christmas Day, whether you celebrate or not. Know you’re loved and that there are people out there to help show your loops and help you get unstuck if you’re willing to see it and love into it. “Bark, bark, bark. And I Love that!”

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