2018-10-15 14:28:47

2018-10-15 14:28:47

Caption: Monday Afternoon Feels as I contemplate my CDFs (core desired feelings) and my tropical casita with too many white walls. Love this #colorinspiration ????????✨(@lasalamandasmexico) // #dallavita #tropical #flashesofdelight
rePLANOLY @dallavita .
#feedyoursoul #findyourself #soulseeker #lifecoachforwomen #findyourwhy #liveonpurpose #souljourney #womenwhoinspire #findyourstrength #findyourtruth #findyourtribe #flowforchangemakers #rhythmflowsistercircle #rhythmflowmastermind #desiremap #strongwomenrock #shamanism #womenliftingwomen #coredesiredfeelings #servelove #ecstaticdance #changemakers #desiremapping #goalswithsoul #youarelight #pink????

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