2018-10-24 17:53:53

2018-10-24 17:53:53

Caption: A friend called to say hello today. As she was catching me up on courses and life as a healer, she shared how she approached an in-class assignment. ☎️
The students were given an art assignment to draw and color about their Past, Present and Future. Well, let’s just say she isn’t inclined to do art. It rather made her anxious.
Instead, she has heard me ask, ‘How do you want feel?’ enough that she decided to use her words. She hasn’t done a formal Desire Map yet. But after this class it sounds like she’s well on her way to guiding her future from how she wants to feel as a starting point. And her group loved it enough to share with the professor.
I’m so stoked for more of you to get lit up like this too! I’ll be offering Desire Map workshops soon (A US Tour – squeeee!), including the Free & Clear prequel. Get on the waitlist and do a FREE 5-DAY DESIRE MAP INTRO:
Daily exercises sent to your inbox for tuning into your inner desires. Bonus: recordings for some auditory love. ????????

#feedyoursoul #findyourself #soulseeker #lifecoachforwomen #findyourwhy #liveonpurpose #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #womenwhoinspire #findyourstrength #flowforchangemakers #rhythmflowsistercircle #rhythmflowmastermind #desiremap #shamanism #womenliftingwomen #morningritual #mastermind #coredesiredfeelings #servelove #changemakers #daniellelaporte #freeandclear #clarity #desiremapping #goalswithsoul
#youarelight #bethelight #rainbowlight #divineclarity

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