2017-10-17 21:31:23

2017-10-17 21:31:23

Caption: The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe. — Joanna Macy ????
This quote has been working on my soul for nearly 2 decades. The last 10 days have burned down walls in my heart as I awoke taking in the magnitude of the fire that tore through Santa Rosa a week ago Sunday night, terrified for my in-laws living near Coffey Park. As I was taking in the flurry of emergency alerts and social media posts, dawn hadn’t even arrived in California. It was pre-dawn when I urged my husband to call them, now. We finally heard back. They were watching the embers, keeping an eye on the roof, ok for now. ????
As days went by, I watched my news feed, watched fire maps twinkle like Christmas lights, watch as so many friends evacuated wistfully. Many waited for good news that didn’t come. The ones that are getting the all clear bring moments of joy. ????
The outreach and open arms from my beloved Petaluma makes me proud. My people stepped up like they do, it’s an amazing spirit of giving and loving. ????
While we waited and prayed for calm, moist air, news of another sexual predator emerged. Sonoma County hadn’t been tested to its limit since Polly Klass went missing and then was found murdered and abandoned. Our collective hearts were on the ground then too. ????
Out of that grief for the child, for male violence against women and children a quarterly ritual of bearing witness was born. Born of Woman. We grew the movement. ????
As the world watched this week as yet another chaotic climate event raged over the land, their hearts broke open. In that grief, they remembered the violence against the land was man made, just like the violence against these women that started whispering, “Me too. Yo también. You are not alone.” ????
Then my news feed was a duet of grief. Grief for the land, for creatures furry and the ones that buzz, for the homeless, for the women. So many women. ????
My heart broke open. I reached out. I was ready to let the walls burn so my sisters could flood in. I am holding the universe for you. We hold the universe for you. As Joanna Macy says, it’s that big. ????
#youarenotalone #metoo #sonomastrong #sonomaproud #lovingkindness #heartopening #fiercewomen

Photo taken at: Zumbido Vida Endangered Bee Sanctuary

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