
I’m blushing ☺️ as I share this post in gratitude to Naomi Clark for shouting out how my teachings have helped her. Grateful we connected in @kelly.diels Gathering Space to ride the pandemic waves together. ????

If you’re not following Naomi, get to it. #moremoneymorepower #feministfinancecoach

Repost from @theoutspokengirlfriend

✨✨✨ New Episode Alert 85 of The OutSpoken Girlfriend podcast is available wherever you listen to podcasts.✨✨✨⁠

“On The Other Side Of Rest Is Flow” which is a quote and teaching I’ve learned from my friend and mentor⁠

????Ixchel Lunar????. ⁠

I’m very excited to be back and releasing new episodes of the OutSpoken Girlfriend podcast! ⁠

Today is a behind the scenes episode. Slowing down created space for me to really pay attention to what was going on within me and to just rest. ⁠

Here’s the thing, although I was taking time off for rest, the time away was not all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns. ⁠

There were some doubts and insecurities and questions that came up. But with time comes perspective so I’m in a position to share more on this. ⁠

Listen in to hear me talk about self-doubt, visibility, who gets to rest (and who does not), and the mind-f*ckery that is so critical to deconstruct in our modern society.⁠

????I had real worries I’d have no more podcast listeners since I was not releasing new content the last few months. ⁠

This worry led me to get curious about just how deep within all of us is the culture of relentless productivity and the edict to “get sh*t done” at any costs. ⁠

It’s time to vanquish the hold of relentless productivity- and live in a state of flow.⁠

✨ Subscribe to The OutSpoken Girlfriend podcast where we talk about women, money, power, and fuckn up the systems of oppression getting in your way. Visit @theoutspokengirlfriend for links.

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from the Edge from the Wild from the Other Side
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