Trust your intuition
What happens when we don’t trust our intuition?
I’m a Decolonial Time Witch
I founded the Initiated Leaders Fellowship to help Edgewalkers decolonize and reclaim your time, so you can skip the crash and liberate your Flow. Let’s dismantle the systems of brutal productivity together.
Have you subscribed to receive ???? Dragon Letters ???? yet? The next letter is emerges under the Cancer New Moon.
#jedibusiness #jedileadership #edgewalkerscollective #boundlessvisionretreat #ixchellunar #emergentstrategy #restrevolt #overwhelm #burnout #intuition #trustyourintuition #initiatedleadership #decolonizetime #indigenousknowledge #edgewalkers #dragonletters #feministbusiness #edgewalkerslabyrinth