Photo Caption: Me, 1990, natural hair color, with a perm curl that felt like a lion’s mane. Going through a divorce, I was just 18. Living in rural Sonoma County, dairy cow country, I had just read Diet for a New America by my friend Ocean’s dad, John Robbins.
Growing up vegetarian, the book pushed me to go further, I went vegan. Little did I know then that the milk protein casein was also contributing to my physical challenges.
By the time I took this photo I was only 90 lbs (significantly underweight). I was still breastfeeding my second baby in a year, but my thyroid was on tilt from a few years of extreme stress. I was going hard for wheat, sadly, I would be undiagnosed celiac for another twenty years.
I look back at old photos and marvel at what this body has endured. I am so grateful for the resilience of my ancestors. It literally takes my breath away what they have survived for me to be here.
A decade later I was still struggling with my weight. But by then I nearly doubled in size to 170lbs. I was so desperate I allowed my endocrinologist to convince me to radiate my thyroid. I had not yet learned to trust my intuition around eating. Still eating foods that were toxic for me because I was trying to fit into an ethical framework around eating.
Three years ago when I learned to let go of the judgement of what I put in my mouth — when I based it on how my body felt after I ate, a behavioral psychology foundation of WildFit — I was able to let go of the food addictions and find my balance, effortlessly.
No more yo-yo. No more starving. No more obsessing with a scale. My ancestors are guiding me and my intuition. I’m right where I need to be.
How do you feel about your menus? Are they feeding your emotions, but leaving you hungry, or crappy?
Do you know what foods your ancestors ate traditionally, in seasons?
Check out my 28-Day Self Care Revolution on YouTube (link in bio). .
#youarelight #peakstate #foodfreedom #wildfitwithixchel #wildfitcoach #wildfit #getwildfit #vegan #dietforanewamerica #ancestraldiet