Ixchel Lunar

2019-10-18 09:36:59

2019-10-18 09:36:59

Photo Caption: Do you need a shift?
Ixcacao, the Cacao Goddess walks alongside and hold hands with us during our hardest times.
Chocolate addiction holds a rough status, especially for women. In western culture it’s often used to cover difficult moments like PMS, feelings of loneliness or despair. Or as “gifts” for exchange of sex or matriarchal positions.
It’s bound up with sugar, which acts like a mask to cover the true medicine of cacao, the bean that chocolate is made from.
There is a deeper purpose for cacao when we shift our relationship to it and to food.
Instead of choosing to use foods and food-like substances to disconnect from what we are feeling, remaining bound to our behavioral patterns, or our old addictive emotional loops, we can connect with cacao in its strong medicinal state.
Cacao medicine creates a focused awareness and Flow.
Pure fermented cacao nibs is comprised of theobromine and cacao butter (good fat) that acts as a carrier for the theobromine (theo broma literally means food of the gods) to reach our neural network and open our blood vessels and vascular system.
This opening creates a receptivity to our current state for greater awareness of what’s trying to emerge.
When we resist what’s trying to emerge, it creates stress on our body and that in turn sends dis-ease signals to our genes (epigenetics).
When we are open to what’s emerging, the cacao is a powerful medicine to reset our DNA and RNA in right relation. Studies have confirmed cacao’s healing functions in the reduction in tumors and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Of course combining cacao with sugar into chocolate doesn’t do this with the same effect. Sugar is a known stimulator of disease because it creates inflammation in the body. “Chocolate addiction” isn’t really addiction to cacao (which studies prove isn’t an addictive substance). It’s an addiction to sugar.
The natural state of the cacao bean allows for a unique synthesis of medicine that opens the neural pathways (yes, cacao is mildly psychoactive) thereby opening our door of perception — our third eye and pineal gland.????????????‍♀️
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Image credit @foreverceremonialcacao

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