2019-05-21 11:08:31

2019-05-21 11:08:31

Photo Caption: There’s a type of desire that is rooted in self-valuing, and faith. WHOLENESS. There’s another type of desire, the famished kind, that comes from the (mis)perception that we showed up on the planet already defective and broken. And we think we need to be better… fixed… filled up by external sources.???? Make the stretch for a minute: Assume that you’re already whole and worthy—and then use that belief as your guidance system. THAT’s the energy you want to bring to your #CoreDesiredFeelings. It’s a desire that flows from your heart center.
Try on both perspectives—brokenness and wholeness—and see how both viewpoints might clarify what you actually want.
✏️Write it out…
And we’d love to see your revelations. Please comment below ???? or tag me (or @desiremap) in a pic so we can find you.
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