2019-05-20 07:33:50

2019-05-20 07:33:50

Photo Caption: “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
— Mahatma (Mohandas Karamchand) Gandhi

In my freshman year of high school I was placed in Sophomore level World History. I chose to study and write a paper on Gandhi. His devotion to truth through civil disobedience so moved me.

Living in a place where satyagraha is outlawed, the question becomes “How does one practice devotion to truth in these circumstances?”.

Through prayer and sadhana I examine how I may be an oppressor in my life. Through resolving internal oppression and disharmony we can create peace on Earth. I bare witness and hold space for peace by ending the subtle acts of violence on myself, my soul, my spirit.

I am honored that the spiritual name given to me reflects Gandhi’s given name. May my heart work in the world become a facet for his light to continue shining into the darkness. •
Repost ???? @sorbetdelight
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