2019-04-07 15:58:39

2019-04-07 15:58:39

Photo Caption: Ixchel Rainbow Living is seeking a marketing divx who is passionate about wellness and working for the planet, to help us leap into this next stage of growth and evolution.

If there is someone drawn to this work, please apply (swipe up, follow directions in link, do not reply to this post. Thank you!)

Why we need you:
The planet needs each of us (including you!) to be the best, most well, most heart-connected version of ourselves possible. Period. Healing the planet by helping people raise their frequency and claim their soul’s purpose is my calling.

And things are happening! Connecting with more people, and helping them connect with their Deep Why for getting well — leading more and more to WildFit wins and the Flow coaching that massively transforms them. •
We seek a Digital Marketing and Content Manager in this time of enthusiastic growth of Ixchel Rainbow Living. You bring your love and track record of connecting with people through technology’s many gifts. Ixchel is able to focus on new client inquiries and high-touch coaching of amazing leaders.

Learn More:

Do What You Love with Ixchel: Career Opportunities

#jobopportunities #jobopenings #dowhatyoulove #digitalmarketer #contentcreation #socialmediaexpert #feedyoursoul #liveonpurpose #morningritual #ecstaticdance #getwildfit #foodasmedicine #eattherainbow #changemakers #youarelight #rainbowlight #walkinbeauty #findyourhive #rainbowlightofrenewal #alchemist #ancestraldiet #keepondancing #possibilityspace #liveyourmagic #dwellinpossibility #ancestralhealing #wildfit

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