2019-03-27 07:57:36


Photo Caption: Today I was kissed by the fire ????
I danced in the flames
My soul ignited
All that was not mine fell away
Out of the ashes I took wing
I rise again, reborn

Every day is an opportunity to be kissed by your passion and purpose. Re-member to dance yourself into Being. What can you let go and become ashes for fertilizing your dreams?
???? Repost @mrmbb333
“Phoenix Rising”
#phoenixrising #phoenix #rising #feedyoursoul #spiritualawakening #morningritual #changemakers #youarelight #rainbowlight #walkinbeauty #visionaryart #ascending #findyourhive #kundalini #koyopa #rainbowlightofrenewal #alchemist #ancestraldiet #keepondancing #possibilityspace #liveyourmagic #dwellinpossibility

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