Caption: Bathe in the Silence. Walk in Beauty. Live your Magic.
Two years ago I was utterly lost. It felt like 6 G’s, no center point. We sold almost everything and moved to Nicaragua with 8 duffel bags and our cat.
I committed to giving myself space to plant seeds, grow and bloom. I stopped saying “someday…”, started the bee sanctuary, fell deeper in Love with who I was becoming.
I found Joy again. I turned back my body clock (from 47 to 34). I relearned the rhythm and flow of my heart. I remembered who I was (Light and frequency) and my game changed.
We all can have second chances. But you’ve got to be paying attention to the subtle knock at the door from the Universe. Your future self prays you will hear your call.
Sit in the Silence and hear what your heart desires, listen to what is trying to emerge. Pure Joy awaits you.
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