Caption: After that celestial dance last night, sit for a moment. Take it all in. What did you notice?
For me, I felt in the Flow of millions of people sharing event together. I felt my divinity and of all of us connected — union — communitas.
It reminded me of JK Rowling release parties, sitting up reading her Harry Potter books with my daughters into the wee hours of the morning, knowing millions of us were all taking in the wonder together.
These moments are available and waiting all around us, every moment. Ten thousand people watching the glistening dew on a rose petal. A million people listening to the shimmer of the wind trough the trees. A billion people watching as I hold the hand of my Grandmother as she leaves her body and becomes One again.
Every moment We are We, We are Divine. Humee Hum, Brah Hum
Do you feel uncertain, doubtful about the energies? Or ambitious and driven to take action. Whichever feelings are coming up, take pause.
Today is 3 Iq’ on the Mayan Calendar. It is a day to be aware, but not for action. Wait until the energies settle a bit first.
Stay with me in the Oneness a bit longer. Have a cup of Cosmos and drink in your divinity.
Photo repost @vanessapetronelli
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