Caption: This beautiful face emerged out mud and root, familiar. Her eyes open and pierce into me. Oh! I am looking back at myself. I bolted upright in bed, laughing.
Have you ever practiced lucid dreaming? As a child I would dream my day before I awoke. It was a survival mechanism that gave me confidence that I was safe. Later I turned it into a lucid practice, traveling the Astral plane, a wandering explorer flying through the universe.
I am so grateful to the many artists able to share what they see in visual representation. Having the experience of synesthesia through art can really help one have a unitive transformation. When I see art that shows others what rainbow Light we hold, I am elated.
Being one with universe, embedded in Pachamama has profoundly shaped my devotion. My inner exploration, the sartorial and kensho renewals are my gift to the Great Mother, to help empower and heal this precious planet.
This gift is my practice to help others prepare or process their sacred plant medicine experience, providing a safe space for you to be reborn and renewed. If you are called to this medicine, please understand that it requires reverence and preparation to have the most transformative effect.
If you feel incomplete from having worked with the medicine, it may help to receive healing. The transformation may be held up.
Being alive in this time, when access to this medicine has opened up is no small coincidence. The planetary shift is happening. The old patriarchal ways are crumbling. I am grateful to witness so many people awakening to their rainbow light as they let go of what no longer serves them, aligning with their hearts in service to healing the planet.
Walk in beauty.
Art: @naoto_hattori
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