2018-10-22 06:21:08

2018-10-22 06:21:08

Caption: Do you have a piece of clothing or a hat that just makes you feel like a superhero?
For me it’s this vintage @BetseyJohnson dress (1994?). My closet has been edited down so many times. There were many years I couldn’t even get it zipped up. But this dress remained my ideal piece.
I wore it to weddings. I paired it with purple #docmartins and argued with professors over American and Latin history. With a cardigan sweater over it, I wore it to meet with a state Senator to push for a state-wide ban on glyphosate #roundupkills).
This dress is woven with magic and serendipity. It’s one of the few things I brought with me to Nicaragua. It’s just that special.
I don’t need many things. I’m grateful to #konmarimethod for showing me how to edit my life into #whatsparksjoy And starting from my Core Desired Feelings with @daniellelaporte (more on how you can get Free and Clear in my US workshops in December coming tomorrow ????) .
What is that special piece for you?

#feedyoursoul #findyourtribe #soulseeker #lifecoachforwomen #findyourwhy #liveonpurpose #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #womenwhoinspire #flowforchangemakers #rhythmflowsistercircle #rhythmflowmastermind #desiremap #shamanism #womenliftingwomen #coredesiredfeelings #servelove #changemakers #savethebees #banglyphosate #banroundup #daniellelaporte #freeandclear #desiremapping #divineclarity #betseybabe

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