Caption: Living intuitively is so damn interesting. I get glimpses of the future. I hear voices, myself mostly, whispering, coaxing me towards the direction of the future.
Yesterday was one of those days I found myself at the lamppost again. You know, the one just beyond the wardrobe in Narnia?
I am a believer that books carry energy and when we open them we release that energy into the world.
A book arrived from the past yesterday. Hidden amongst some treasured keepsakes. Sometimes I save things because I feel something about it holds a significance I don’t yet understand. This little book was one.
And yet it was a breadcrumb of my future I wasn’t even conscious of. A stowaway. Like the lamppost, it dropped in to remind me I’m going the right way. A wake up call.
Take the leaps of faith. Trust your Soul. Use your Core Desired Feelings as guidance. Look for the patterns in synchronicities. They are a cosmic map guiding your way.
Is there a pattern of synchronicity you’ve been ignoring, like a pesky fly? Maybe it’s time to wake up.
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