2018-10-06 10:23:43

2018-10-06 10:23:43

Caption: Remember the Remedy
It is time to go, pack in a hurry, pack flowers, pack memory. Pack the longing in your bones. This is your destiny. Quickly, you do not want to miss a moment. The ritual you choose must feed your highest need for you were born of ceremony. So come, ride your wild up the sharp slope. Use your daughter-witch effort to recite the festival speech. Heap up sacraments to the Spontaneous Presence who like an umbilical cord links you directly to Source. You arrive in the village broken open carrying the story of suffering, study the rupture, then apply the balm – intention is medicine. Learn to eat the autumn air, make an offering of gratitude, translate everything joy, sorrow, struggle, shame into acts of art and love.
— Ann Filemyr

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