2018-06-15 09:05:05

2018-06-15 09:05:05

Caption: Ysabella is so sweet. I found her planning her day with my Desire Map Planner. She’s hatching her own revolution of Love.
The Planner is a way to take the #coredesiredfeelings your discover in #desremapping and implement them in your daily life. We will going through that process at the retreat in October in Guatemala. *
#womenleaders #shaman #flowstate #desiremapplanner #womenentrepreneurs #mastermind #masterheart #FlowForChangeMakers #RhythmFlowGuatemalaRetreats #firestarters #firestartersessions #servelove #RhythmFlowMastermind #ecstasy #ecstaticdance #plantbased #eatlikeancestors #evolutionarydiet #foodasmedicine #eattherainbow #rainbowfood #growyourgreensmoothie #permacultureguilds #beesanctuary #beekeeper #melipona

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