2018-06-04 15:36:50

2018-06-04 15:36:50

Caption: Going through a name and avatar transformation that was given to me by my Spirit Guides and bee approved ????. The Bee Sanctuary is here in Nicaragua, but our Instagram account is going to carry my name now since I’m the Shamanic Women Leaders Mentor and beekeeper. ????????????????
Ixchel Rainbow Living and Bee Sanctuary .
#womenleaders #shaman #flowstate #womenentrepreneurs #mastermind #masterheart #FlowForChangeMakers #RhythmFlowGuatemalaRetreats #coredesiredfeelings #firestarters #firestartersessions #servelove #RhythmFlowMastermind #ecstasy #ecstaticdance #greensmoothielife #plantbased #eatlikeancestors #evolutionarydiet #pegandiet #getwildfit #foodasmedicine #eattherainbow #rainbowfood #growyourgreensmoothie #permacultureguilds #beesanctuary #beekeeper #melipona

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