Site icon Ixchel Lunar

2018-04-16 19:18:53

2018-04-16 19:18:53

Caption: “Would you rather be well-rounded or your own leading edge?

Would you rather be sufficient or masterful?

Would you rather be bright or a freaking supernova?”
— Danielle LaPorte

Utilizing my 20+ years of entrepreneurial and social leadership mentoring for startups and do-gooders, you will prepare your Soul and put your Soul Purpose into a life practice. We will connect you with your creative fire through Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starter Sessions as you determine how you will lead and Serve Love in your community. ????
#coredesiredfeelings #firestarterfacilitator *
#womenleaders #shaman #flowstate #womenentrepreneurs #mastermind #masterheart #DesireMapGuatemalaRetreats #coredesiredfeelings #firestarters #firestartersessions #servelove #soulretrievalmastermind #ecstasy #ecstaticdance #greensmoothielife #plantbased #eatlikeancestors #evolutionarydiet #pegandiet #getwildfit #foodasmedicine #eattherainbow #rainbowfood #growyourgreensmoothie #permacultureguilds #beesanctuary #beekeeper #melipona

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