Ixchel Lunar

2018-04-06 08:27:47

2018-04-06 08:27:47

Caption: Super stoked to try this variety. I have some coming when my girls visit in a couple weeks! Any advice on drying welcome! #glassgemcorn
Repost @delilah_endearment_nh
I’m currently drying out my Glass Gem Corn. I’m saving seeds from some and am going to try popping the rest. I’m finding it a bit difficult to tell when they are actually ready though. When you touch a kernel on these ones it’s almost like its a wobbly tooth? ???? Does that make any sense? I’m hoping it does. Any advice? Obviously a few pollination issues with some of these ones but gorgeous nonetheless! ????This corn was grown in a container, 2 rows of 5 and hand pollinated.
????from @urbanveggiepatch
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