2018-03-18 08:09:35

2018-03-18 08:09:35

Caption: The writing nest in my tree house has been the safe place for me to explore this life as I write my book. Ysabella loves it too. She’s my muse. *
I’m forever grateful for this sabbatical time to (finally) do what I’ve been called to do. *
One of my #coredesiredfeelings this year is #coalescence. I’m synthesizing decades of illuminations and experiences as I weave my story. *
To that end, I’ve created a Mastermind for other women being called to lead in the world but struggling to have a baseline of joy and resilience for what it takes to step up and present. I outlined it a few posts back. If this calls to you, DM me to set up a discovery call. ????
#womenleaders #shaman #permaculture #flowstate #getwildfit #womenentrepreneurs #mastermind #masterheart #desiremap #coredesiredfeelings #firestarters #firestartersessions #servelove #eattherainbow #rainbowfood #glutenfree #dairyfree #ecstasy #dance #greensmoothielife #plantbased #thehumandiet #evolutionarydiet #vegan #pegandiet #ahealthynut #eatrealfood #growyourgreensmoothie #savethebees

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