Caption: Are you a prisoner of your circumstances? I’m listening to @thejasongoldberg book Prison Break. I love his use of questions in his coaching. Truly profound way of going deeper in our perspective of circumstance. One question he asks “Now what?” when someone lost creativity in life. It allows you to find self leadership to solve the problem if you’re “an opening and willing host.”
Are your choices a circumstance of your life, or do you put in a little effort to have more? Wellness doesn’t have to be boring. It can be a bountiful plate. *
#sundayvibes #selfleadership *
Repost @extraforavocado
Had a lovely brunch with family earlier today which included this @brookelark inspired Snack Board, a Sweet Potato Tortilla and some delicious Cardamom Cinnamon Rolls care of @chadfpeters ..
To me, there is nothing like catching up over food!
#healthyfoodshare #eattherainbow #healthybowl #snackboard #charcuterie #brunch #huffposttaste #mindbodygram #thekitchn #onthetable #poweredbyplants #plantbased #feedyourresolution #eatwellbewell #healthyfoodshare #foodmatters #iamwellandgood #eatrealfood #eeeeeats #thefeedfeed #ahealthynut #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #igfoodie #goodmoodfood #iamwellandgood #instahealth #foodphotography
2018-03-18 06:05:44