2018-02-17 18:15:36

2018-02-17 18:15:36

Caption: “Wellness is the new rebellion.” — Danielle LaPorte
@daniellelaporte ????
My lovely friend shared this profoundly simply truth bomb in her live chat yesterday about her business manifesto (which she is giving away!) ????
Danielle didn’t come by it easily either. It took a mystery illness turned mono to help her get clarity on her business focus (and some medicinal honey). ????
Honey heals. It’s liquid light. A little goes a long way. Support your local beekeepers. ????
To show up and be present for this BS upside down world, we’ve got to be whole. We must water ourselves first. My free Evolution of Health & Fitness Masterclass will provide you with some starting places. (Link in profile).
After the Masterclass I’m launching a 7-day Wellness with Water week. Hydration is the foundation to ending the Six Human Hungers and warding off this awful flu. Join me. I’ll be providing a few free group sessions that week too. ????????????Join my #wellnessrebellion ????????#foodrevolution #cleanwater *
#healthyfood #smoothie #rainbowfood #glutenfree #dairyfree #getwildfit #livingwildfit #alkagizer #greensmoothielife #greensmoothie #plantbased #thehumandiet #evolutionarydiet #gersontherapy #vegan #plantbased #sugarfree #whatveganseat #pegan #pegandiet #bulletproofdiet #paleodiet #ahealthynut #eattherainbow #eatclean #eatrealfood #plantpowered

Photo taken at: Zumbido Vida Endangered Bee Sanctuary

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