2018-02-04 11:44:45

2018-02-04 11:44:45

Caption: You are the Love of the Universe Embodied. #lovenotes
My husband leaves me the most inspiring love notes on my #alkagizer cup each day. This one resonates with how I feel about all of us. We ARE love embodied. #knowthis #gratitude ????????????????????????????#raiseyourvibration *
#healthyfood #smoothie #rainbowfood #glutenfree #dairyfree #getwildfit #livingwildfit #greensmoothielife #greensmoothie #plantbased #thehumandiet #evolutionarydiet #gersontherapy #vegan #plantbased #sugarfree #whatveganseat #ahealthynut #heresmyfood #eattherainbow #eatclean #eatrealfood #plantpowered

Photo taken at: Zumbido Vida Endangered Bee Sanctuary

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