2017-12-29 17:40:23

2017-12-29 17:40:23

Caption: Coffee season here in Nicaragua is wonderful. These berries fell to the ground because we’ve had more rain than usual, whatever “usual” looks like in climate chaos. ☕️
The berries then go through the outer skin removal and drying. Outside of Matagalpa where it’s a bit drier climate there are fields of coffee drying happening now. The roads have trucks full of bags of coffee beans going to dry. ????
We were out at a coffee finca with a special rainforest certificate where the most incredible melipona apiary (native bees) is booming.
After going over a washed out road, through several creeks, we bounced our way up a muddy, rocky road. Under a tall rainforest canopy with a sub canopy of banana, and coffee bushes as far as you could see in every direction, we came upon the meliponary with several roofs covering shelves of hives. ????
More photos and videos from the hive to come. Watch this space…
#savethebees #coffeelife #coffeebean #meliponicultura #mariola #permaculture #livingwildfit #getwildfit #beekeeping #pollinators #homesteading #growsomething #homegrown #greywater #rainwatercatchment #eatplants #buildsoil #greensmoothielife #mygarden #alkagizer #secretgarden #growyourown #greensmoothies #foodforest #gardening #gardengoddess #matagalpa #nicaragua

Photo taken at: Yalí, Jinotega, Nicaragua

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