2017-06-16 10:31:34

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Caption: So grateful for our first CSA order from @hotel_selvanegra! Two pounds of their incredible coffee, coffee blossom honey, oyster mushrooms, and an abundance of vegetables and herbs for $30US. Contact Vickie to sign up for pick up in Matagalpa. #csa #organic #knowyourfarmer * * *
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Check out our profile for how to win the Permaculture Beginners Bundle and become garden goddess!???? *
#permaculture #homesteading #videoseries #bethechange #smallchanges #greywater #watercatchment #rainwater #rainwatercatchment #wormbin #compost #buildsoil #beekeeping #reducerecyclereuse #foodforest #tierrachicas #matagalpa #nicaragua #slowlife #nicalife #expatwoman

Photo taken at: Zumbido Vida Homestead and Resilience Guild

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